Line following Robot using Arduino


Arduino-Based Line Follower Robot

A line follower robot is an autonomous vehicle that follows a predefined path using sensor-based guidance. This project is built using an Arduino micro controller, IR sensors, and motor drivers, making it an ideal introduction to robotics and automation.

How It Works

The robot uses infrared (IR) sensors to detect the line on the ground. The Arduino processes the sensor data and controls the motor driver (L298N or L293D) to steer the robot along the path. The sensors detect the contrast between the black line and the white surface, adjusting the motor speeds to stay on track.

Components Used

  • Arduino Uno (or any compatible board)
  • IR Sensor Module (Pair of IR LEDs and Photodiodes)
  • L298N/L293D Motor Driver Module
  • DC Motors with Wheels
  • Chassis (Frame for the Robot)
  • Power Source (Battery pack: 7.4V – 12V)

Code Logic

  1. The IR sensors continuously scan the surface.
  2. If the left sensor detects the line, the robot turns left.
  3. If the right sensor detects the line, the robot turns right.
  4. If both sensors detect the line, the robot moves forward.
  5. If no line is detected, the robot stops or reverses.


  • Autonomous Navigation
  • Industrial Automated Transportation
  • Educational Robotics Projects

This Arduino-based line follower robot is a great way to understand embedded systems, motor control, and sensor-based automation.

Working sample video>>


Assembled kit  includes

  • 3 wheel car chassis
  • two IR sensors
  • l298 h-bridge
  • jumper wires
  • Arduino Uno-SMD
  • cell case for supply and button with cell
  • Kit is available in working form

How to make line following robot follow the link


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